

  • The report analyzes the dissemination of disinformation and conspiracy theories related to the floods in Rio Grande do Sul within far-right groups and channels on Telegram. As a result, we present a classification of the main themes and arguments that underpin these narratives, along with a mapping of key spokespersons involved in disseminating fake news. Additionally, we examine the multiplatform ecosystem of disinformation and radicalization, highlighting the migration of content posted on Telegram to more mainstream networks such as YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • The report describes the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories related to vaccination within extremist groups and channels on Telegram. As a result, we present a preliminary classification of themes, arguments, and spokespersons, along with the connection of content posted on Telegram to the broader multiplatform ecosystem of other networks like YouTube and Twitter.


  • In light of the severe attack on democracy carried out by far-right militants on January 8, 2023, the team conducted an analysis of some of the communications transmitted by the organizers, participants, and supporters of the coup acts, in 228 groups and 437 channels on the Telegram app.


  • The purpose of the report is to highlight relevant points in the dynamics of messages from extremist groups and channels in Brazil, analyzing the broader multiplatform ecosystem that has, in Telegram, an anchor for the organized dissemination of content. The analysis covers the time span from January to June 2022 and emphasizes the possible blocking of Telegram by a Supreme Federal Court decision.
  • The second report presents preliminary results of the research “Digital Democracy: Analysis of Disinformation Ecosystems on Telegram during the 2022 Brazilian Electoral Process,” highlighting relevant points observed between August 1 and September 15, 2022. Telegram continues to be an anchor for the dissemination of disinformation on various topics, fostering political radicalization processes, and taking a leading role in this year’s elections.
  • In this third report, we highlight analyses from September 30 to November 15, 2022. As pointed out in previous reports, Telegram has served as the backbone of a multiplatform ecosystem of disinformation and radicalization, and during the 2022 elections, it hosted the organization of anti-democratic movements.